Monday, January 28, 2013

The Bachelor - I forgot it Monday night

Today is Tuesday.  Realizing, I forgot to watch the Bachelor last night.
If you missed too, you don't have to.
This is actually last week (apparently too early for last nights show):

I'm watching now (one day late) !
Are you watching ?

Truly, reality shows can give a person insight; things to do; things to never do !  It's all a great learning experience; learning from others !

Saturday, January 26, 2013

You ever cut your own hair

I do. Do you ever ?

Went to dinner tonight with my class reuion.  Just before going, and fixing my hair, I looked and thought, oh jeeeees, way too long ! 

So once home, and in middle of movie, I gave myself a hair cut.  I do this all the time.  And of course, at least, once a year, I have to go the beautician, and let her clean me up, from all my cutting !

Tonight, watched, "The Lost Valentine" with Betty White.  Jenniver Love was a producer and in the movie ! I thought I had seen it before, since it was a 2011.  Wrong !  What a true tear jerker !  Fabulous movie !

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Are there really enough hours in a day

As we all know about single life, everything that needs to be done, is totally left up to our own self to get done, unless maybe, we have a personal secretary.  So every morning, naturally, I wake up to an extensive list of to-do things.

In order to have actually try and handle all the things that need to be done, I set up, same tasks, to be done on certain days each week.  Not only does this help me not have to look at a longer list per day, but it's great with time management.

For example, on Mondays and Thursdays, I wash dishes.  Tuesdays, I take out the trash.  Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, I write articles for my different blogs. On Tuesdays, I accept new friends who are wanting to befriend me on facebook, with my 4 accounts.  Wednesday, I go through emails and what I have skipped or missed (and need to delete).  Fridays, I read informative, conversation my staff has had amongst each other; and I open all the mail.  Believe me, there's more. 

And on specific weekends of the month, I do the same.  Whether it's balance the check book, wash the car, send points to clients who belong to my Loyalty and Referral program, etc.

If I did not do this, again, the big of the picture, would be overwhelming;  and the second reason is that it keeps me on a schedule and makes me be, accountable to myself !

However, that is just the basic of my days or weekends; then I have all the tasks that only come often, like change the oil, or all the needs that come in from customers daily.

Too many folks ask me, what do you do all day ?  WOW, would love to show you the 30-40 items I get done in a days time.  No, not an 8 hour day; more like 12-15 !

And you ... Tell us how you handle all your tasks, as a single ?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Single with nothing to do for the weekend (the evening) ?

Often, as a single, we find ourselves with nothing to do for the weekend (or weekend evening).  Possible our other single friends are out on a date, or our couple friends, have plans with other couples.

Why not, take this opportunity, to treat yourself to a dinner and a movie.  This could be at home, or it could even be out.

Many folks do not like to go out alone.  Try it; it's not that hard.  Think about somewhere you like to eat at, that maybe you haven't been for awhile.  Then treat yourself to a date !  There are many things out there we might not like to do, but we have to.  Why not make this one of them ... Because it is for you.

Tonight, I'm staying in.  My biggest problem is not that I won't go out by myself, it's that I give myself excuses of things I need to do around the house (like I'm writing this now). 

However tonight, I am in process of cooking myself some scallops (and I don't cook and prefer to go out; however, I will often purchase special foods for a dinner alone, such as steak, crab legs, etc). 

Remember, also, to keep on hand, for nights you have your date night, a special drink.  If you do not drink alcohol, no problem.  My mom taught me a drink that I really love:  diet ginger ale and then mix with two other things, such as apple juice, or grapefruit, or crandberry (be sure you can have any of these with meds you take; I'm not suppose to have crandberry, cause I take coumadin).

And I'm about to watch the movie, Casey Anthony (good reason to stay in for a movie).

Now tell me, what did you to tonight ? ... have plans with others or come up with a great idea for some fun alone  ?
If you have some inspiring ideas, when alone, please share !


Singles Awareness Day is February 15

February 15 is Singles Awareness Day.  If you live here in LYH, I would love to put a social together; let me know if you are here in LYH.  If you are not, consider planning a singles social in your area !

It's great to have an awareness day for us singles, don't you think ?

Casey Anthony movie on Lifetime TV Tonight - Jan 19

Being here in LYH, would love a place to go, that several of us singles, could get together and watch the movie together !  If you too, see movie tonight, share your thoughts.

Been watching the movie.  So far, what upset me the most, is that Casey says her dad mplested her.  Normally, I would totally believe someone that said this.  In this case, or in this movie, I am not able to believe this. 

When George, wanted to take his life, because he felt responsible, that his granddaughter was dead (he had not protected his GD from his daugher), this touched me; he said, he wanted to be with Haley, which is his reason for taking all those pills.  I have to admit, I believe this.

After finishing watching the movie (and yes, I know we heard things as the trial went on), I am truly shocked, with the evidence, that she got off.

If you watched, how do you feel ?


Thursday, January 3, 2013


Whether a chosen life or not, and even for individuals who have a life mate, singles most often, still experience, encounter, think, view, and handle life situations differently than married folks.  It’s not about right or wrong, just different.

Ultimately choose to reach out to other known singles, to join blog; the more input, the better chance at valuable insight for all.  

What do you think of having a blog for "us" singles ?

“Blog Rules” include: “G” rated; NO profanity, NO fowl jokes; NO unkind words; please keep it “positive” when posting to help others !